Dear Mechanical Engineer Candidate Students;
Mechanical engineers are needed in many sectors from automotive to aviation, from biomechanics to maritime, from defense, electricity, electronics, information technologies, and heating/cooling systems to energy production. The importance of our country`s ability to reach its development and development goals and to defend itself against external threats nationally has been frequently mentioned by the administrators in recent years. In addition to the need to increase our level of development as a country and the quality of life of our people, a large number of mechanical engineers are needed to develop and produce our needs in areas such as defense systems and communication, which are necessary for our national survival. Gas turbines for helicopters and airplanes, engines for tanks and howitzers, and various components for national combat aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles are projects that are currently being worked on in our country and are improving day by day.
In line with the development goals of our country, our department continues its education and research activities with the aim of training internationally accepted engineers who have received a quality education, have the engineering knowledge and skills required by our age. Our academic and technological infrastructure has been created by taking into account the mechanical engineering departments of well-established universities in developed countries and our country. In line with the technological developments in the field of Mechanical Engineering and the needs of our country, development studies are constantly carried out in our department.
We would be happy to see you, our valuable mechanical engineer candidates, share our knowledge and experience with you and produce new ideas that will shed light on our country and yourself.
Useful Links;
Engineering Faculty Prospective Students Page
Mechanical Engineering Department Information;
General Information
Mission and Vision
Program Management
Mechanical Engineering Department Academic Staff
Department of Mechanical Engineering Bologna Information System